儿童是祖国的明天,明天是我们的希望! 我国现有儿童四亿多,关心他们的健康成长历来是党和政府的一项重要工作。为此,国家技术监督局和共青团中央于“六·一”儿童节前夕,在全国范围进行了“保护明天”少年儿童食品、用品质量国家监督专项抽查活动。社会上曾流行一个说法:“任何时候女人和孩子的钱都好赚。”此次抽查的确看出许多人在赚孩子们的钱,只是有些钱赚的不大正当。比如
Children are the motherland’s tomorrow, and tomorrow is our hope! Our country has over 400 million children and care for their healthy growth has always been an important task for the party and the government. To this end, the State Bureau of Technical Supervision and the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League held a nationwide special spot-check exercise on “Monitoring Tomorrow’s Food and Supplies Quality for Children” on the eve of the “June 1” Children’s Day. There was a popular saying in the community: “Women and children make good money anytime.” The spot checks did show that many people are making money for their children, but that some money is not justified. such as