目的:探讨多中心尿路上皮肿瘤的克隆起源。方法:通过荧光原位杂交(fluorescence in situ hybrid-ization,FISH)技术对28例患者70枚肿瘤的3、7、9、17号染色体的变异类型进行检测,判断多中心灶间染色体变异类型是否一致。结果:28例患者中,26例(92.9%)被认为来自相同的克隆起源,2例来自不同的克隆起源。2例独立克隆起源的患者均为异时性肿瘤,且原发肿瘤与随后发生的肿瘤间隔时间较久,分别约为5年和11年。结论:大多数多中心尿路上皮肿瘤有相同的克隆起源,为单克隆起源可能,且多为同时性肿瘤。多克隆起源多见于异时性肿瘤,时间间隔越久,独立克隆起源的可能性越大。
Objective: To investigate the origin of clonality in multicentric urothelial tumors. Methods: The variation types of chromosomes 3, 7, 9 and 17 in 70 tumors from 28 patients were detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to determine whether the chromosomal variation among multiple central lesions was Consistent. Results: Of the 28 patients, 26 (92.9%) were considered to originate from the same clonal origin and 2 from different clonal origins. Two of the patients with independent clonal origin were allochronic tumors, and the primary and subsequent tumor lasted longer, about 5 years and 11 years, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Most multicentric urothelial tumors have the same origin of clonality and may originate from monoclonal origin, most of which are concurrent tumors. Polyclonal origin more common in heterogenous tumors, the longer the time interval, the greater the possibility of independent cloning of origin.