额敏县位于新疆北部地区 ,东经 83°2 4′~ 85°10′,北纬 4 6°0 9′~ 4 7°0 3′。全县人口超过 13万 ,属半农半牧县。人间包虫病流行和野生动物感染棘球蚴的相关说明本县包虫病流行较为严重。为掌握本县中小学生包虫病患病情况 ,我站于 2 0 0 0年 9~ 12月对额敏县城镇部
Eminonu County is located in northern Xinjiang, east longitude 83 ° 2 4 ’~ 85 ° 10’, latitude 46 ° 0 9 ’~ 47 ° 0 3’. The county’s population of more than 130,000, is a semi-agricultural and semi-pastoral counties. Human echinococcosis endemic and wildlife associated with hydatid cysts echinococcosis epidemic is more serious. To grasp the prevalence of echinococcosis among primary and secondary school students in this county, I stood at the township of Emin County from September to December 2000