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1910年,李叔同先生自日本学成回国。辛亥革命成功后,叔同先生填《满江红》词一阕,原有注:“民国肇造,填此志感”。可见叔同先生对辛亥革命成功,是从心底欢呼的。此时叔同先生虽已三十三岁,但从词中可以领会到,他自少年时代便拥有的壮怀仍然保持,对古今英雄业绩更是由衷赞佩。“双手”以下二句,卖国误国的鼷鼠(小家鼠)要除掉,要把革命的民主的思想铸人民心。“看从今”以下三句,传达出他对新的国 In 1910, Mr. Li Shuntong returned from his studies in Japan. After the success of the Revolution of 1911, Mr. Tung filled the word “Azolla”, the original Note: “Republic of China Zhaozhao, fill in the blog”. It can be seen from Mr. Tong’s success in the Revolution of 1911 that it is cheered from the bottom of my heart. Although Mr TUNG Tong is 33, he can understand from the words that what he maintained since his youth was still strong and even more admirable for the performance of ancient and modern heroes. “Two hands ” The following two sentences, the soldier country mouse (Mus musculus) to get rid of the country, we should cast revolutionary democratic thought people’s hearts. “See from now ” The following three sentences, to convey his new country
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黄德发(广东省国土厅副厅长): 首先,对新中国统计机构成立50周年这个盛大的节日表示衷心的祝贺。我在统计局工作了10多年,这10多年,可以说是我们新中国成立以来,统计工作最
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