大约是在1981年,钟叔河同志曾同我谈起,想编辑一套方物丛书,并已着手收集资料。不过,那时他正忙于《走向世界丛书》的编辑,这设想的实现,似还要俟以时日。 对他的这个计划,我以为是很有眼光的。中国长期的封建社会里,重义理而轻经济,是一种相当普遍的思想。影响所及,古书中许多有关民生经济、科学技术的书籍,已湮灭无闻,或有留存,亦属罕见之书,如
It was around 1981 that Comrade Chung Shu He had talked to me about editing a series of cartoons and had already started to collect information. However, at that time he was busy with the editor of “Going Global Series,” and it seems that this idea will take some time to come by. I think this plan is very insightful to him. In China’s long-term feudal society, it is a fairly common idea to treat the economy lightly. As a result, many ancient books on people’s livelihood, economy and science and technology have become obsolete or have disappeared. It is also a rare book,