率军部移驻南昌 1938年1月4日凌晨,大雾迷漫,武汉三镇笼罩在巨大的雾幕之中。 9时30分,晨雾退去,天空仍然一片灰蒙。一辆黑色军用轿车,风驰电掣般开到汉口招商局第二码头,两位中年军人走下车来。 这两位中年军人,就是叶挺和项英。 今天,项英率领新四军军部政治部、参谋处、副官处、军需处、医务处的大部分人员移驻南昌,在那里组织指挥各省红军游击队向蒋介石指定的皖南歙县岩寺集中改编,开往抗日前线。
The rate of military headquarters in Nanchang January 4, 1938 early morning fog, foggy, Wuhan, three towns shrouded in a huge mist curtain. 9:30, the morning fog receded, the sky is still a gray. A black military sedan, open the door to the Hankou Merchants Second Pier, two middle-aged soldiers to get off. The two middle-aged soldiers, Ye Ting and Xiang Ying. Today, Xiang Ying led the army units of the New Fourth Army in the political department, staff office, adjutant office, military service department and medical office in Nanchang, where they organized and directed the Red Army guerrillas in various provinces to make concentrated adaptations to the Yanyang Temple in southern Anhui Province designated by Chiang Kai- Bound for the anti-Japanese front.