根据我院和韩国启明大学达成的协议,由中国社会科学院副院长汝信教授率领的中国社会科学院代表团,于1995年11月8日—11日访问了启明大学,并参加了在该校召开的第一届中韩国际学术讨论会。 代表团成员有:我院党委书记、副院长廖世伦,亚太所研究员、韩国研究中心秘书长韩镇涉,亚太所研究员魏燕慎,我院学报编辑部主任、编审李尚英。 11月9日,启明大学召开了隆重授予汝信教授名誉哲学博士学位大会。该校总长申一熙教授亲手将《名誉哲学博士学位证书》,交给了汝信教授。次日,韩国一家有名的报纸《每日新闻》刊登了这一消息和有关照片,表明韩方对此事的高度重视。
According to the agreement reached between our college and Korea’s Qiming University, a delegation of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, led by Professor Ru Xin, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, visited Qiming University from November 8 to November 11, 1995, The First Sino-Korea International Symposium Members of the delegation include: Liao Shilun, secretary of the party committee of our hospital, researcher of Asia Pacific, Secretary-General of South Korea Research Center Han Yan, researcher of Asia-Pacific Wei Yan Shen, editorial director of Journal of our hospital, compilation of Li Shangying. On November 9, Qiming University convened a grand ceremony to award Professor Ru Xin honorary doctorate in philosophy. Professor Shen Yixi, the school’s president, personally handed over the honorary doctorate certificate to Professor Ru Xin. The next day, a well-known Korean newspaper, “Daily News” published the news and related photos, indicating that the ROK attaches great importance to this issue.