新春伊始,刚刚当选的随州市市长蒋昌忠与市人大常委会副主任熊传林、副市长袁慧敏一起到市档案局、馆检查档案工作。 正月初八上午,蒋市长一行热情洋溢地向局、馆全体同志致以新年问候,并兴致勃勃地察看了档案馆库房,参观了大型陈列室——随州之窗,听取了档案局、馆负责同志关于全市档案工作情况汇报。蒋市长详细询问了馆藏档案资料的数量、保护状况及利用情况。在库房内,他亲手摇开密集架,看到一排排整齐的案卷时,深情地说:“这些
At the beginning of the new year, Jiang Changzhong, the just mayor of Suizhou, and Xiong Chuanlin, deputy director of the Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee, and Yuan Huimin, deputy mayor, went to the City Archives Bureau to inspect archives. On the eighth day of the first lunar month, the Mayor Jiang and his entourage warmly greet the Council and all the comrades on the New Year greetings and gazing splendidly at the archives warehouse. They visited the large-scale showroom - Suizhou Window and listened to the Archives Bureau. Responsible comrades on the city’s file work report. The mayor of Chiang asked in detail about the number of archives, the status of protection and the utilization of the archives. In the storeroom, he shakes the shelves by himself and when he sees the neatly arranged files, he says affectionately: "These