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张太雷是中国共产党的创建者之一,是中国共产党早期的重要的领导人之一,是中国共产党第一个派往共产国际的使者,是中国社会主义青年团的先驱和青年运动卓越领导人,是国共第一次合作的早期重要推动者,是首任广东省委书记,是中国共产党领导的三大起义之一的广州起义总指挥,是首位牺牲在战斗第一线的中央委员。中共三大是迄今为止唯一一次在广州召开、具有重要历史意义的中国共产党全国代表会议,对中国革命产生了巨大影响。会议确定了国共合作,共产党员以个人身份加入国民党的决议。张太雷作为中共三大代表和共产国际代表马林的翻译兼助手,在促成最后被中共三大确立的国共合作和革命统一战线的方针政策的过程有着重要的作用。 Zhang Tailei, one of the founders of the Chinese Communist Party, one of the early important leaders of the Communist Party of China, the first messenger sent to the Communist International by the Chinese Communist Party, the pioneer of the Chinese Socialist Youth League and the outstanding leader of the youth movement, Is the first important promoter of the first cooperation between the KMT and the CPC. It is the first secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the commander in chief of the Guangzhou Uprising, one of the three major uprisings led by the Chinese Communist Party. It was the first Central Committee member to sacrifice himself in the front line of fighting. The Third Plenary Session of the Chinese Communist Party is by far the only one held in Guangzhou and has an important historical significance. The CPC National Congress has had a tremendous impact on the Chinese revolution. The meeting identified the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party members in their personal capacity to join the KMT’s resolution. As the interpreter and assistant to the three representatives of the Communist Party of China and of the Communist International Marin, Zhang Tailei played an important role in facilitating the final formulation of the guidelines and policies of the Kuomintang-Communist cooperation and the revolutionary united front established by the three major communists.
文文是一个独生子,从小父母对他要求就比较严格。一次数学考试成绩不理想,回家后父母就大发雷霆,还棍棒教训一顿。要求他好好学习,考上重点大学。但命运弄人,高中毕业后,两年高考都名落孙山。自尊心较强的文文受不了这些打击,又无法向人诉说,总觉得别人都看不起自己。他开始少说话,少出门,越来越怕去公共场合,尤其害怕与别人对视,只要一看见别人的眼睛,就感到恐惧。  文文患的心理疾病是对视恐怖症,或叫视线恐怖症,
摘 要:建筑施工管理在建筑项目的整个实施的过程中具有举足轻重的地位,随着我国现代化进程的不断推进和建筑行业的蓬勃发展,建筑行业施工过程管理的概念越来越深入人心。本文根据笔者在工程现场从事管理的经验,就建筑施工管理的若干问题进行了探讨,阐述了施工现场管理的一些个人看法。  关键词:建筑施工;现场管理  一、引言  建筑施工技术现场管理是一项比较复杂的过程,需要有初步的系统和管理管理体系,时代的进步对
摘 要:高校是进行科研、为国家培养人才和进行知识传播的重要场所,是社会道德的风向标和人类文明的旗帜。但我国目前正处在社会转型期,社会上存在的不良风气导致研究生学术道德和学术规范受到了严重影响。所以,对研究生学术道德和学术规范的研究很有必要。本文对高校的学术道德学术规范的现状进行研究,挖掘学术失范的原因,最后给出了相应对策。  关键词:学术道德;学术规范;硕士研究生  一、研究背景  古人云,硕者,