195 8年太原钢铁厂改为太原钢铁公司 ,在此前后 ,中华人民共和国主席刘少奇、国务院总理周恩来、国家副主席朱德、国务院副总理陈毅等国家领导人先后来太钢视察。我当时是太钢三钢厂 (以下简称三钢 )副厂长兼主任工程师 ,亲聆首长们对发展我国钢铁工业的教诲 ,至今留下难忘的回
In 195, the Taiyuan Iron and Steel Plant was renamed Taiyuan Iron and Steel Company. Before and after this, leaders of the People’s Republic of China, Liu Shaoqi, Premier Zhou Enlai, Vice President Zhu De, and State Council Vice Premier Chen Yi visited the company. I was then the deputy director and chief engineer of the Taiyuan Iron & Steel Group’s No. 3 Steel Works (hereinafter referred to as “Sanming Steel”). I listened to the heads of leaders to develop the teaching of the steel industry in China and have left memorable memories so far.