厄尔·迈纳率先开展了比较诗学的研究 ,他的《比较诗学》是世界“比较诗学”研究的第一个成果。他从文类展开比较 ,进而提出“原创性诗学” ,以此来观照世界各大文明形态的诗学 ,找出各自的洞见及盲点 ,从而揭示出了跨文化研究的必要性。但他又努力驱除由此引发的相对主义 ,力求建构具有世界性的诗学话语
Earl Miner took the lead in the study of comparative poetics. His “comparative poetics” is the first achievement of the study of comparative poetics in the world. He started from the genre to compare, and then put forward “original poetics”, in order to look at the world’s major forms of civilization, poetics, to find their own insights and blind spots, thus revealing the need for cross-cultural research. However, he tried hard to get rid of the relativism that was triggered by it and tried hard to construct a worldwide poetic discourse