外债作为中国近代外来资本的重要组成部分 ,对中国近代社会经济的发展影响巨大 ,对此学界已有诸多研究 ,但学界少有关注外债在活动过程中逐步形成的独特运行框架和制度特征。鉴于此 ,本文首先从外债制度演变表现出的若干特征入手 ,认为在近百年的发展过程中 ,外债制度演变具有债务主体单一化、债款来源多样化、债务管理法规化和债务运行自主化的趋势 ,而后论文又结合中国近代的民族 -国家建设过程和制度的移植 -变迁对外债制度演变所表现的趋势作更深一层的剖析
As an important part of modern foreign capital in China, foreign debt has great influence on the social and economic development in modern China. To this, there have been many studies on foreign debt. However, scholars pay little attention to the unique operational framework and institutional features that have gradually formed in the process of foreign debt. In view of this, this article starts with some characteristics of the evolution of the foreign debt system, and thinks that the evolution of the foreign debt system in the past century has the following characteristics: the simplification of the debt main body, the diversification of the sources of debts, the legalization of debt management and the independence of debt operation Trend, and then combined with the modern nationalities in China - the process of national construction and system transplants - changes in the evolution of the foreign debt system, the trend showed a deeper analysis