交响乐欣赏“入门须知”之二,恐怕当数有关乐曲结构、章法方面的知识了。如前所述,交响乐这一体裁所包括的乐曲品种是较多的,它们因结构、章法的不同而形成了各自的特点,本文只能检几种主要的加以介绍。1.交响曲是交响音乐中最具代表性的一个品种,它是一种应用交响乐队的最完善的大型器乐形式。交响曲一词(源自希腊文 Symphonia——共同发声)在不同的
Symphony appreciation “Getting Started” two, I am afraid when the number of music structure, chapter knowledge. As mentioned above, the genres of symphonies include more varieties of music, which have their own characteristics due to their different structures and laws. This article can only introduce a few main kinds of music. Symphony is one of the most representative varieties of symphony music, it is a symphony orchestra using the most complete form of large instrumental music. The word symphony (derived from the Greek Symphonia - co-vocal) is different