道德教育不同于知识教育,它是培养学生养成一定的道德品质以及与此相应的行为方式的一种教育。高校道德教育中"主知观念"引导下的主知性道德教学,虽有其自身的合理性,但也大大缩小了道德教育的空间,简化了道德教育过程。这种价值取向下的道德教学,以客观普遍化的知识割裂了道德教育与现实生活的联系。高校道德教育要进一步发挥育人效果,必须从道德教学观念、内容和方法上进行转变,即价值取向转向"主德"道德教育。“,”This paper mainly studies on the Chinese Web Text Context Filtering. First of all, the text features and the responding initial weights are extracted from the positive and negative training samples respectively, then get two weight matrix. Secondly, the HTML file is stratified to three-layers by using the Boost regular expression, and then the core keywords (nouns, adjective and etc.) are extracted from the result above. In the calculation of the new weights of the keywords, on the basis of the initial weight, the layer which the keyword exists is considered; the same keyword in different layers has different weights, and the length of the keyword and the relationship between the keywords are considered. Thirdly, the sum of the new weights is calculated, and by comparing the results to decide whether filter the file or not. The results show that the recall and precision rate of the filtering are both effectively improved.