预激综合征首先由沃尔夫-帕金森-怀特(Wolff-Parkinson-White)于1930年报告,故也称 WPW 综合征(下简称 WPW)。本征是由于心脏存在反常的房室传导通路,使部分心肌激动提早到达心室,也即同一起搏点发出的激动通过两条道路除极心室。因此,WPW 实际上是一种室性溶合波。其心电图特点是:(1)P-R 间期缩短至0.12秒以下;(2)QRS 波时间延长至0.11秒以上,并在QRS 波起始部有附加波“△”波;(3)患者往往有阵发性室上性心动过速病史。由于 WPW 伴发各种心律失常极为常见,现就 WPW 的发病原因、机制、诊断、
WPW syndrome was first reported by Wolff-Parkinson-White in 1930 and is also called WPW syndrome (WPW). Intrinsic is due to abnormal heart chamber conduction pathway, so that part of the cardiac muscle to reach the ventricular heart earlier, that is the same pacemaker issued by the excitement through two roads in addition to the polar chamber. Therefore, WPW is actually a chamber-wave fusion. The ECG features are: (1) PR interval shortened to 0.12 seconds or less; (2) QRS wave time extended to 0.11 seconds or more, and in the beginning of the QRS wave additional wave “△” wave; (3) patients Often have a history of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. WPW associated with a variety of arrhythmias is very common, now on the pathogenesis of WPW, mechanism, diagnosis,