我们用波长为1 064mm的纳秒脉冲激光在硅表面打出小孔结构,然后再做高温退火处理形成了硅的纳米氧化低维结构.在514nm激光泵浦下,发现该结构在700nm和750nm处有很强的受激辐射发光(PL).实验中发现:该PL发光有明显的阈值表现和激光增强效应,证明该PL发光确实是光致受激发射.计算给出氧化界面态模型来解释该光致受激发光机理,其中Si=O和Si-O-S的键合可以产生氧化陷阱态,关键在于该氧化陷阱态与价带顶空穴态之间能够形成粒子数反转.为硅基上激光器件的光电子集成研发开辟了新的途经.“,”The photolum inescence (PL) of nanocrystal present in porous silicon shifts from the near hfra-red to the ultraviolet depending on the sizewhen the surface is passivatedw ith Si-H bonds After oxidation, the centerwavelength of PL band is pinned in the region of 700nm~ 750nm and its intensity increases obviously Caleuhtion shows that trap electronic states appear h the band gap of the smaller nanocrystalwhen Si = O bonds or Si-O-Sibonds are fom ed The changes h PL htensity andwavelength can be explained by both quan-tum confinernent and trap states in oxidation hyer ofnanocrystal In the theoreticalmodel, the most in portant factor h the enhancement and phnhg effect of PL era ission is the relative position beween the level of the trap states and the level of the photoexcitation in the silicon nanocrystal