本研究以杨树—杨树灰斑病生态系统为研究对象 ,在杨树生长模型和杨树灰斑病流行模型的基础上 ,建立了杨树灰斑病危害的损失量模型和多维动态经济阈值模型。模拟了杨树—杨树灰斑病的系统动态 ,并根据杨树灰斑病常用的管理措施 ,结合经济核算确定不同条件组合下的经济阈值 ,建立了杨树灰斑病的优化管理决策系统
In this study, poplar-poplar gray spot ecosystem as the research object, based on the poplar growth model and poplar gray spot epidemic model, established the loss model of poplar gray spot disease and multidimensional dynamic economy Threshold model. The system dynamics of poplar-poplar gray-spot was simulated. Based on the common management measures of poplar-gray-spot and the economical threshold under different combinations of conditions, the optimal management decision-making system of poplar gray-spot was established