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1878年,25岁的英国传教士甘林来到中国,在天津、唐山等地传教,其间来到秦皇岛的北戴河海滨,被此处风光深深吸引。1895年,甘林租下联峰山东峰鸡冠山约四百亩的全部山地,次年盖起了两幢别墅,鸡冠山也因此被叫做甘林山。甘林的别墅通常被认为是北戴河最早的西洋别墅,别墅建成之时,很多朋友前来祝贺,其中有一位女士是骑着毛驴前来,她在别墅旁的树荫下休息时,一位来宾用油彩画了一张侧面写生图。这张图后来被京奉铁路的英国总工程师金达所得,金达将之印制成京奉铁路局的英文招贴广告,每年夏季在各火车站和外国人居住处张贴,以招揽中外人士到北戴河旅游,据称它也是迄今为止发现的中国最早的旅游招贴画。可以说,北戴河现代旅游业的兴起是建立在外国人在那里建筑别墅的基础上。 In 1878, 25-year-old British missionary Gan Lin came to China to preach in Tianjin and Tangshan. During his visit to the Beidaihe waterfront in Qinhuangdao, he was deeply attracted by the scenery here. In 1895, Ganlin rented a total of about 400 acres of mountainous peaks in the Peak Peak in Jiufeng, Shandong Province. Two villas were built the following year and Jiguan Mountain was also named Ganlin Mountain. Most of the villas in Ganlin are considered to be the earliest Western villas in Beidaihe. When the villa was completed, many of my friends came to congratulate one of the ladies who was riding a donkey and she was resting in the shade next to the villa when a guest Painted a side sketch drawing with oil. This picture was later acquired by the Beijing-Hong Kong Chief Engineer Kinda Railway Jinda, Jinda will be printed in Beijing Bong Railway Bureau English placard ads, summer each station at the train station and residence of foreigners posted to attract Chinese and foreign people to Tourism in Beidaihe is said to be the earliest travel poster ever discovered in China. It can be said that the rise of modern tourism in Beidaihe is based on the building of villas by foreigners.
一、丝绸之路要冲 ,兵家必争之地崆峒山位于甘肃陇东平凉市西郊 1 2千米处 ,为我国历史名山之一 ,国家级自然保护区。东望秦川 ,西接六盘山 ,南依关山 ,北峙萧关 ,是古长安西
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在马尔代夫,时间,是光明正大地用来恣意浪费的。阳光太多、海水太蓝、时间太多,这些太多,成了马尔代夫独特的赤道风情。赤足一双脚在细白沙滩上,感受马尔代夫的体温;泅泳于海洋里,聆听马尔代夫的心跳频率。忘记时间、忘记工作,尽情的吃喝玩乐,是上帝允许你的放纵。    一见钟情 天空之恋    想要体验马尔代夫,你一定要将自己投掷到天空中,你才能看到它的全貌,感受到它灵魂中的美。椰林、白沙、珊瑚礁是海岛的基
A series of ZrO2 catalysts were prepared by treating ZrO(OH)2 hydrogel with different alcohol solvents (C2-C4 alcohols) and calcining under N2 flow at 773 K for
布劳温博士(Pibor Braun)是当代国际知名科学文献计量学家、放射化学家。1932年出生于匈牙利。1956年毕业于罗马尼亚克卢日县的巴伯斯大学(V.Ba-bes University)。从1963年