
来源 :武汉科技大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyanhao1986
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1926年的“三一八”惨案中,刘和珍、杨德群和魏士毅三位女大学生不幸殉难。长期以来,刘和珍、杨德群广为人知,魏士毅却被历史所遮蔽,其间蕴含着历史记忆架构下的话语权问题。借助报刊媒体、挽联、碑刻、回忆录及纪念文章等历史文本,魏士毅的形象得以重现。而探讨魏士毅及其殉难在中国社会所引起的反响,有助于揭示不同文本作者所表达并确立的社会身份,洞悉近代接受新式教育的女性在国族话语主导下的社会境况,挖掘历史文本背后所隐含的性别意涵。 In 1926 the “38 ” tragedy, Liu Hezhen, Yang Dequn and Weishi Yi three female college students died martyrdom. For a long time, Liu Hezhen and Yang Dequn were widely known. However, Wei Shiyi was obscured by history, which contained the issue of discourse right under the framework of historical memory. With the help of the press and media, Elections, inscriptions, memoirs and memorials and other historical texts, Weishi’s image was reproduced. To explore the repercussions of Wei Shi-Yi and his martyrdom in Chinese society helps to reveal the social identities expressed and established by different textual writers and to understand the social conditions of women in modern times under the guidance of national discourse and to dig behind the historical texts Implied gender implications.
腭裂是颌面部常见的先天性畸形,腭咽部组织结构发育缺陷,使腭裂患者常并发分泌性中耳炎(secretory otitis media, SOM)发生率远高于正常人群,约占40%~60%[1,2],严重妨碍患儿的