团结奋进求实效 继往开来创辉煌——全国省、自治区、直辖市观赏石协会负责人会议纪实

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新年伊始,为统一思想、明确目标,中国观赏石协会于1月5日~6日任柳州南天大酒店召开了全国省、自治区、直辖市观赏石协会负责人会议。中国观赏石协会会长寿嘉华、秘书长姜建军、协会秘书处部分工作人员以及来自各省级观赏石协会的负责人、广西地区的中国观赏石协会副会长等,共计54人参加了本次会议。大会总结了中国观赏石协会2007年的工作情况,部署了2008年的工作计划,讨论了先进会员评选办法、观赏石基地冠名办法和2008携手奥运北京精品展办展方案, At the beginning of the new year, in order to unify its thinking and make it clear its purpose, the China Ornamental Association hosted a meeting of heads of ornamental stone associations of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government from January 5 to 6 at Nantian Hotel in Liuzhou. Shou Jiahua, President of China Ornamental Stone Association, Jiang Jianjun, Secretary General of the Association, some staff members of the Secretariat of the Association, heads of provincial ornamental stone associations and vice-presidents of China Ornamental Rock Association in Guangxi area, etc. A total of 54 people participated in this meeting. The conference summarized the work of China Ornamental Stone Association in 2007, deployed the work plan for 2008, discussed the advanced member selection method, the title of ornamental stone base and the program of 2008 joint exhibition with the Beijing Olympic Games,
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目的构建人P115基因重组真核表达质粒,并探讨其过表达对人肝癌细胞HepG2增殖活性的影响。方法采用RT-PCR从HepG2细胞中扩增人P115基因,插入pEGFP-N1 Vector(+)载体,构建重组
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