采用直流热阴极等离子体化学气相沉积(直流热阴极PCVD)方法,通过金刚石膜的间歇生长过程,引入氮原子的作用,实现对非金刚石成份的刻蚀和金刚石膜的择优取向生长,在CH4:N2:H2气氛下制备透明金刚石膜。金刚石膜的间歇式生长分为沉积阶段和刻蚀两个阶段,沉积阶段为20 min,刻蚀阶段为1 min,沉积和刻蚀通过温度的调节来实现,总的生长时间10 h;实验中主要改变的参数是N2气比例,将N2气流量与总气体流量的比例分为高、中、低三档分别进行实验。结果在CH4:N2:H2比例为2:20:180时获得了透明金刚石膜。金刚石膜样品用Raman光谱仪、SEM和XRD进行了表征,研究表明,直流热阴极PCVD间歇生长模式下,通过引入氮原子的作用,可以制备出(111)面取向的透明金刚石膜。
The direct current hot cathode plasma chemical vapor deposition (DCDCVDVD) was used to etch non-diamond and preferential orientation growth of diamond films through the intermittent growth process of diamond films and the introduction of nitrogen atoms. In the CH4: N2: H2 atmosphere to prepare a transparent diamond film. The intermittent growth of diamond film is divided into depositional phase and etching phase. The deposition phase is 20 min and the etching phase is 1 min. The deposition and etching are achieved by adjusting the temperature. The total growth time is 10 h. During the experiment The main change is the ratio of N2 gas ratio, the ratio of N2 gas flow to the total gas flow into high, medium and low third gear were tested. Results A transparent diamond film was obtained with a CH4: N2: H2 ratio of 2: 20: 180. The diamond film samples were characterized by Raman spectroscopy, SEM and XRD. The results show that (111) oriented transparent diamond films can be prepared by the introduction of nitrogen atoms in DC hot-cathode PCVD.