一、1978年以来关于亚细亚生产方式 理论研究的概况和特点 1978年以降是建国后历史学发展的复兴时期,也是关于亚细亚生产方式理论研究的又一高潮期。中外古代历史研究工作者和史学理论工作者,从粉碎“四人帮”的那年起,便开始对这一问题进行深入探讨。一批有份量的学术论文相继在全国各家杂志刊出。如马克垚《学习马克思恩格斯论东方古代社会的几点体会》(载《北京大学学报》1978年第2
I. Overview and Characteristics of the Theoretical Study of Asian Mode of Production Since 1978 The decline in 1978 is a period of rejuvenation of historical development after the founding of the People’s Republic of China and another high tide of the theoretical study of Asian mode of production. Chinese and foreign ancient history researchers and historians of history have begun to probe this issue in depth since the year of the smashing of the “gang of four.” A batch of academic papers have been published in various magazines all over the country. Such as Mark 垚 “Learning Marx and Engels on the ancient Eastern society experience” (contained in “Peking University Journal” 1978 2