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长久以来,传统应试教育观念在初中语文教师的脑海中根深蒂固,束缚了教师的思想,同时也束缚了学生的思维,学生的个性得不到表现和发展,在语文课堂上,学生缺乏创造热情。知识经济时代的到来,肯定了创新的重要性,要求教师必须顺应时代的发展,提升学生的创新思维能力,在教学改革实践中,适时地引导学生去学习,并探究寻找新的方法去创造提升学生创新能力的条件。结合初中语文教学内容和教学特点进行研究分析,以找出能有效激发学生创新思维的教学策略。 For a long time, the concept of traditional exam-oriented education has been deeply entrenched in the minds of Chinese teachers of junior middle school, which restrained the teachers’ thinking. At the same time, it also restrained the students’ thinking. The students’ personality was not demonstrated and developed. In the Chinese class, the students lacks enthusiasm. In the era of knowledge economy, the importance of innovation is affirmed. Teachers are required to adapt to the development of the times and to enhance their ability of creative thinking. In the teaching reform practice, students should be guided to learn in a timely manner and explore new ways to create and enhance Conditions of students’ ability to innovate. Combined with junior high school Chinese teaching content and teaching characteristics of research and analysis to find out can effectively stimulate the creative thinking of students teaching strategies.