10月23日晚,南京奥林匹克体育中 心彩旗猎猎,灯火烁烁。随着温家宝总 理宣布“中华人民共和国第十届运动会 闭幕”的话音,十运的圣火缓缓熄灭, 全运会的会旗徐徐降下。全国第十届运 动会堪称“体育的盛会,人民的节 日”,令人记忆难忘,尤其是开、闭幕 式的大型文体表演,通过电视直播,在 亿万国人和众多海外华侨、华人中引起 极大反响。
The night of October 23, Nanjing Olympic Sports Center flags hunt, lights shining. With the announcement by Premier Wen Jiabao of the Voice of the People’s Republic of China on the Closing of the Tenth Sports Games, the torch of the 10th National Games was slowly extinguished and the national flag of the National Games was slowly lowered. The Tenth National Games called “sports event, people’s festival” memorable memorandum, especially the opening ceremony, the closing ceremony of large-scale cultural performances, live on television, hundreds of millions of people and many overseas Chinese, Chinese aroused Big response.