明初 ,琉球始与中国建交。当时 ,汉语和部分汉语书面语语料在该国已然有所传播。此后 ,琉球对汉语汉文化的需求愈加迫切 ,曾先后至少 16次派人到中国留学 ,并在国内兴办教育 ,推广汉语汉字 ,以改变文化的落后面貌。入清 ,琉球一如既往 ,重视汉语汉字的学习 ,除继续大力兴办各类学校外 ,也像明代一样不断向中国派遣留学生。琉球留学生除官生以外 ,还有勤学人。这些留学生成了维系中琉友好关系和在琉球继续传播汉语汉字与中国文化的中坚力量
At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Ryukyu began to establish diplomatic relations with China. At that time, Chinese and some Chinese written language material already existed in the country. Since then, the demand for Chinese culture in Ryukyu has become more and more urgent. At least 16 times, Ryukyu sent people to study in China and set up education in China to promote Chinese characters in order to change the backwardness of culture. Clearly, Ryukyu, as always, attaches great importance to the study of Chinese characters, in addition to continue to vigorously set up various types of schools, but also like the Ming Dynasty continue to send students to China. Ryukyu students in addition to official students, there are diligent people. These students have become the backbone of maintaining the friendly relations between China and the Ryukyu region and continuing to spread Chinese characters and Chinese culture in Ryukyu.