本文结合四川地区的具体情况,谈谈利用池塘、稻田和网箱当年育成大规格鱼种的放养密度问题。一、有关鱼苗和鱼种的几个名词术语 1、水花:刚出孵化环道的仔鱼,一般全长6.5~9毫米。有的地方称海花或鱼花。 2、乌子头:指水花下塘10天后养成全长2厘米左右的稚鱼。在生产中又称5至8分。 3、夏花鱼种:水花下塘15~20天后,养成全长3厘米左右的稚鱼。也称寸片、火片和9至11分。
In this paper, the specific situation in Sichuan Province, talk about the use of ponds, paddy fields and cages year breeding stocking large size species stocking density. First, several terms related to fry and fingerlings 1, water: ladle hatch just emerging lanes, the general length of 6.5 to 9 mm. In some places, sea flowers or fish. 2, Wuzi Tou: refers to the water pond after 10 days to develop a full-length 2 cm juvenile. Also known as 5 to 8 points in production. 3, summer flower species: water under the pond 15 to 20 days, to develop a full length of about 3 cm juveniles. Also known as inch pieces, pieces of fire and 9 to 11 points.