为了解我县儿童的营养状况,1990年9月我们对我县的892名儿童进行了调查。调查对象和方法在羊街、金所两镇随机抽取5个自然村892名儿童作健康检查,并从中随机抽取91名4~6岁的儿童作膳食调查,其中男47人、女44人。膳食调查:24h询问记帐法获得每个儿童连续3天的膳食情况,查阅食物成份表,计算各种营养素摄入量,并进行营养缺乏病的检查。实验室检查:取左手无名指端静脉血作如下测定:(1)血红蛋白:采用氰化高铁血红蛋白比色法测定(光度计型号为721型)。结果判定:<11g/L 为贫血。(2)血清白蛋白:用溴甲酚绿比色法测定(光度计型号为721型,波长628nm,灵敏度为(?))。结果判定:≤35g/L 为差;35~60g/L 为好,>60g/L 为良。
In order to understand the nutritional status of children in our county, we investigated 892 children in our county in September 1990. Subjects and Methods A total of 892 children from 5 villages in Sheyang Street and Jinnusu Township were randomly selected for health check. 91 children aged 4 ~ 6 years were randomly selected for dietary survey, including 47 males and 44 females. Meal Surveys: 24h Interrogated Accounting Method Obtain 3 meals for each child for 3 consecutive days, consult the food ingredient table, calculate various nutrient intakes, and check for nutritional deficiencies. Laboratory tests: take the left hand ring finger vein blood for the following determination: (1) hemoglobin: cyanide methemoglobin hemoglobin colorimetric assay (photometer model 721). The results determine: <11g / L for anemia. (2) serum albumin: bromocresol green colorimetric determination (photometer model 721, wavelength 628nm, sensitivity (?)). The results determine: ≤ 35g / L is poor; 35 ~ 60g / L is good,> 60g / L is good.