有机磷中毒引起变异型心绞痛尚未见报道,现将作者遇见一例报告如下:刘某某,女,35岁,农民,住院号11424。与家人吵架,自服稻温净20ml 4小时后入院。伴头昏、恶心欲吐。既往无心肺疾病史。查T35.5℃、P84次/分、R21次/分、BP14.5/9.5KPa,神清,腋下有汗,双瞳等园等大、直径约0.25cm,光反射存在,双肺呼吸音清晰,未闻及明显干湿鸣,心浊音界不大、心率84次/分、律齐,心脏各瓣膜区未闻及明显器质性杂音,腹平软,肝脾不大,双肾区无叩痛,余(一)。胆碱脂酶定量30~u,心电图示正常心电图,X线示心肺无阳性发现,B超示心脏正常,肝肾功能及电解质均正常。
Organic phosphorus poisoning caused by variant angina has not been reported, the author met a case report is as follows: Liu Moumou, female, 35 years old, farmer, hospital number 11424. Quarrel with his family, since serving rice temperature 20ml 4 hours after admission. With dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Past history of heart and lung disease. Check T35.5 ℃, P84 times / min, R21 beats / min, BP14.5 / 9.5KPa, clear, underarm sweat, double pupil and other large park, diameter of about 0.25cm, light reflex exists, lungs breathing Sound clear, unobstructed and obvious dry wet Ming, heart dullness is not big, heart rate 84 beats / min, law Qi, the heart valve area of the unobstructed and obvious organic murmur, abdominal soft, small spleen and kidney, kidney Area without knocking pain, Yu (a). Cholinesterase quantitative 30 ~ u, ECG showed normal ECG, X-ray showed no positive heart and lung, B ultrasound showed normal heart, liver and kidney function and electrolytes were normal.