【摘 要】
We examined the effects of dietary proso-millet protein on plasma levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol in different rats from animals reported i
【出 处】
Biomedical and Environmental Sciences
We examined the effects of dietary proso-millet protein on plasma levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol in different rats from animals reported in our previous studies. The results showed also, in this animal, that the ingestion of the millet protein elevates plasma levels of HDL-cholesterol like our earlier works. Taking into account the anti-atherogenic function of HDL, therefore, the millet protein would be useful as a new food ingredient which has the function that regulates cholesterol metabolism
We examined the effects of dietary proso-millet protein on plasma levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol in different rats from animals reported in our previous studies. The results had also, in this animal, that the ingestion of the millet protein elevates Taking into account the anti-atherogenic function of HDL, therefore, the millet protein would be useful as a new food ingredient which has the function that regulates cholesterol metabolism
人字闸门是葛洲坝船闸的关键设备之一(2号船闸下闸门宽19.7米,高34.05米,厚2.7米,重588.5吨/扇,承受水压力10000吨/扇)。保证它的可靠运行,行程开关起着十分重要的作用。 以
目的提高输尿管移行细胞癌的诊治水平。方法对2001年7月~2010年10月收治输尿管移行细胞癌患者,经输尿管镜检查、活检病理检查,明确诊断。结果 15例均经病理检查证实为移行细胞
八味大发散是《眼科奇书》(又名《眼科宜书》)最早记载的方剂,麻黄6-10克,蔓荆子6克,藁本、北细辛各3-6克,羌活、防风、川芎各6克,白芷12克。 慢性结膜炎伴干眼症:在原方基础上
Objective To detect the alterations of the telomerase activity and the expression for genes response to oxidative stress related with cellular senescence du