本次车展,广汽日野展厅的2个主角,是大家期待已久的2款全新系列的车型——6×2R中置轴轿运车和4×2厢式货运车(9.6 m厢长)。2016年11月18日,广汽日野携旗下4款车型及核心动力总成亮相第3届广州国际商用车展。其中6×2R中置轴轿运车和4×2厢式运输车是他们针对新版GB 1589研发的最新车型。在车展上,广汽日野专用车科新车型推广负责人梁乐翔告诉记者:“今年国家修改了GB 1589法规,对于车辆尺
This show, the two main characters of GAC Hino Showroom, are the two long-awaited new models - the 6 × 2R mid-axle sedan and the 4 × 2 vans (9.6 m length). November 18, 2016, Guangzhou Automobile Hino to bring its 4 models and core powertrain debut at the 3rd Guangzhou International Commercial Auto Show. The 6 × 2R mid-axle sedan and the 4 × 2 van are the latest models they developed for the new GB 1589. At the auto show, Guangzhou Automobile Hino Special Vehicle Division responsible for the promotion of new models Liangle Xiang told reporters: ”This year the country amended the GB 1589 regulations for vehicle ruler