空投是指利用降落伞将人员和物资投送到指定地点的一种技术。上个世纪中后期,利用空投技术进行空降作战曾是一种主要的奇袭战术,进入21世纪,情况依然如此。2003年3月伊拉克战争时, 美国173空降旅的2000名“天兵天将”夜降伊拉克北部敌后方,便是自1989年12 月美国入侵巴拿马以来最大的一次空降作战,也是美军首次使用C-17运输机进行空降作战。在接下来的几个晚上,C-17 运输机编队共起飞60多架次,将整个旅的装备——400多辆战车和3000吨装备和补给,准确及时地空降到了士兵手里, 没有发生任何事故。
Airdrop refers to the use of parachutes to personnel and supplies to a designated location of a technology. In the middle and late of the last century, the use of airdrop technology for airborne operations was a major surprise attack tactics into the 21st century, the situation remains so. At the time of the war in Iraq in March 2003, the 2000 U.S. Air Force night “descendants” of the Airborne Brigade descending the northern rear enemy in Iraq were the largest airborne operations since the U.S. invasion of Panama in December 1989 and the first time the U.S. military has used the C- 17 transport aircraft for airborne operations. Over the next few nights, the C-17 transport aircraft flew more than 60 sorties to fly the entire brigade’s equipment - more than 400 chariots and 3,000 tons of equipment and supplies, into the hands of soldiers in an accurate and timely manner without any ACCIDENT.