Based on the spatial distribution of amino acid residues in human interleukin-2 (IL-2) a-helix B, several amino acid residues were selectively mutated and found. The substitutions of 57Gln → Gln, 62Gln → Leu, 62Gln → Arg and 65Pro → Arg all significantly decreased or abolished the activity of IL-2, whereas 63Leu → Ser or 64Lys → Ala had little effect on IL-2 activity. From the results of the competitive inhibition of the binding assay, it is clear that the above-mentioned inactive mutants also lose their ability to bind to the high-affinity receptor, indicating that these sites in α-helix B contribute to the binding of IL-2 to the receptor, In fact, the helix of the residues directly bound to the receptor?,? Subunits is A, D helix instead of? Helix B, so we think that α helix B is not directly involved in binding to the receptor β, γ subunit , But it has a beneficial effect on the binding of IL-2 to receptor β and γ subunits in the spatial structure. However, residues such as 57Gln, 62Gln and 65Pro play an important role in this process.