The Application of Constructivist Theory in

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  【Abstract】Nowadays most vocational colleges set up specialized English course People usually think that vocabulary of ESP is too obscure and difficult to remember. Learning theory is a refined branch of the application of Constructivism Theory. This paper mainly indicates that constructivist vocabulary learning strategies did make a difference for vocabulary learning of ESP and played a positive role in improving second language acquisition.
  【Key words】constructivism theory; ESP vocabulary; learning strategies
  【中图分类号】H319 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)09-0022-02
  1.Theory of Constructivism
  These years constructivism has larger and larger influence on education. The flourish of vocational education also put the theory guidance in great demand. So is vocabulary learning of professional English in vocational colleges. Constructivism is a social and scientific theory that thrived in western countries during 1990, which appeared with the profound research to human being’s learning process and cognitive rules done by numerous psychologists. Constructivism is the further development from behaviorism to cognitivism in learning theory, and is regarded as a revolution in modern educational psychology.
  Constructivism is also translated as structuralism. It is a branch of cognitive psychology and is based on experiential learning through real life experience to construct knowledge. The process integrates new knowledge with existing knowledge, and allows for creation of original work or innovative procedures. The purpose in education is to let learners create new knowledge creatively and innovatively.
  2.Constructivist View of Learning
  Learning is not a simple transfer of knowledge from the outside to the inside, but the process of constructing the knowledge and experience made by the learners actively. The construction process of learners has three important characteristics : Active Construction, Social Interaction and Situated Learning.
  In the face of new information, new concept and new problems, the learner must fully activate prior knowledge in the mind, analyze, synthesize, reflect and evaluate the knowledge through higher levels of thinking activity. As the master of learning activities, learners must bear the responsibility of learning, manage and regulate their own learning activities voluntarily. Learning is the internalization of the skills and the knowledge, grasping the operation of certain tools by the way of cultural participation. Constructivists hold the view that knowledge exists in specific, context and perceived activities in the reality. Learning should be combined with social practical activities in various situations.   3.Constructivist Vocabulary Learning Strategies
  A learning strategy is a person?蒺s approach to learning and using information. It refers to the broadly conceived intentional directions and learning techniques. Vocabulary learning strategies are the strategies that learners use during the act of remembering and understanding the new words. All language learners use language learning strategies either consciously or unconsciously when processing new information and performing tasks in the language classroom. It is inescapable.
  3.1 Culture Association
  Social constructivism’s central concerns are that leaning is a course associated with culture. Vocabulary learning always link with the situation of certain social and cultural background. Under certain cultural background, new knowledge may make learners use relevant experience in their original cognitive structure to assimilate and index new knowledge at present, thus they can define original experience again.
  For example, when students are learning Special English for Automobile, teachers can guide the students to observe the car emblem of every type, while learning the auto logos, students can also learn the culture, the development of the auto history and the efforts that those pioneers have devoted. Students will feel very eager to learn it and memorize concerning words without knowing it.
  3.2 Word Building Association
  Most vocabulary of ESP can find its origin from basic vocabulary. A large part of the vocabulary is composed of roots and affixes. A root is a symbol that cannot be used independently. Roots are very powerful in generating words and the meanings of the generated words are multifold. According to positions which affixes occupy in words,affixation falls into two subclasses:prefixation and suffixation. Thus, memorizing a word by grasping the roots and affixes is an effective way to improve your vocabulary.
  Most English words are compounds composed of a root plus Prefix or suffix. The prefix and suffix of ESP vocabulary is highly professional, such as: medic?鄄(cure, medicine), ax?鄄(shaft), ferri?鄄(iron, ferric iron), ferro?鄄(iron, two iron), hydro?鄄(water), ?鄄ethyl(Yi Ji), kine?鄄(movement). The analysis of the compounds’ structure, especially the meaning of the roots plays a key role in memorizing the ESP vocabulary. A comprehensive understanding of its basic meaning, can leave us a deep impression about the words.
  3.3 Situational Learning Strategy
【摘要】美术活动是儿童表现美、创造美的过程,美的体验强调,做事情是为获得真正的乐趣。我们教幼儿绘画,不是为了培养小画家,而是培养幼儿对绘画的兴趣,通过画画使幼儿的认知、情感等得到健康发展。每一次的活动,都应给幼儿创设轻松愉悦的环境,使孩子自始至终沐浴着温暖快乐的气氛中,重视他们在创作中的情感体验与态度倾向,方能促进幼儿心理健康,达到活动的目的。  【关键词】美术活动 幼儿 教育 绘画  【中图分类
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【摘要】高校思想政治教育与管理工作引入微信平台后,高校资助育人功能也得到更大地发挥,本文主要结合具体工作实践,叙述了资助微信平台自建立以来存在的关注度不高、宣传力度不够、内容趣味性不强、团队建设不足等问题,并建议通过各种渠道宣传增加对资助微信的关注人数,对微信管理团队进行专业技能培训,指导老师加强监督管理团队成员。  【关键词】微信平台 思想政治教育 资助育人  【中图分类号】G641【文献标识码