The long-term effects of NGI on human hepatoma cell lines further demonstrated that the main effects of this drug on the cell line are increased cell volume, decreased mitosis, distortion and multinucleated giant cell increase, and cell vacuolar degeneration, pyknosis, Broken to death. The extent of this effect is exacerbated by the increase in drug concentration and the prolonged duration of action. After discontinuation of treatment, the cells in each group continued to degenerate and fall off, but after 17 days, fusiform cells appeared between the degenerating cells that remained, and the cells gradually grew into polygonal cells in a sheet-like distribution, with and without morphology. Drug control group is no different. These cells are most likely derived from the division of a remnant of very few polygonal epithelioid cells (Go-phase cells or drug-insensitive cells). The presence of this cell may be the cause of relapse after chemotherapy or radiotherapy.