普通小麦(T.aestivum L.) 普通小麦是小麦属最大的一个种,具有A、B、D三个染色体组,2n=42,为六倍体裸粒栽培种。普通小麦起源于小亚细亚,分布世界各产麦区,栽培历史约八千年以上。普通小麦种植面积,约占小麦总面积的90%,以苏联、
Common wheat (T. aestivum L.) is the largest wheat common wheat species, with A, B, D three chromosome groups, 2n = 42, hexaploid naked cultivated species. Ordinary wheat originated in Asia Minor, the distribution of the world’s wheat production area, cultivation history of about eight thousand years. Common wheat planted area, accounting for about 90% of the total area of wheat to the Soviet Union,