
来源 :党的建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:assasad
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最近,省直机关党委改建为中共甘肃省直机关工作委员会。这是加强和改进省直机关党的工作的一个重要步骤和措施,是对省直机关党的建设的总结,也是对机关党的工作的地位、作用再认识的结果。那么,工委与过去的机关党委有哪些区别呢?一、工委较之党委的地位提高了。工委的体制不同于过去机关党委的体制,工委作为省委的派出机构,受省委委托,领导省直机关党的工作,不再履行基层党组织和采取基层党组织的活动方式。工委按照省委的要求,结合机关实际,对省直机关党的建 Recently, the party committee of the provincial direct organ was reorganized as the working committee of the direct organ of the CPC Gansu Province. This is an important step and measure for strengthening and improving the work of the party directly under the authority of the party directly under the authority of the party directly under the authority of the government and is also the result of a re-understanding of the role and position of the party in the government. So, what difference between the Work Committee and the past organs Party Committee? First, the status of Work Committee compared with the party committee improved. The system of the Work Committee is different from that of the organs and party committees of the past. The Work Committee, as the dispatching organ of the Party Committee, is entrusted by the Provincial Party Committee to lead the work of the Party under the direct authority of the provincial government and no longer performs the activities of the grass-roots party organizations and grass-roots party organizations. Work Committee in accordance with the requirements of the provincial party committee, combined with the actual organs, the provincial organs directly under the party’s building
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教学内容:2~6自然段教学rn一、整体感知. rn1.师:课文告诉我们,王二小帮助八路军消灭了敌人.他是怎样帮助八路军消灭敌人的?rn2.自读2~6自然段.思考:这部分讲的是什么?读了这一