选择蒙脱石 ,高岭石 ,伊利石等三种在储层中最常见的储层粘土矿物 ,两两分别按 2∶ 0 ,1∶ 1,0∶ 2质量配比组成复配物系列 ;在 30℃、5 0℃温度下按 1∶ 5 ,1∶ 8,1∶ 10 (g/ m l)固 /液比分别与 1.6 %的 Na2 CO3溶液反应 8h、12 0 h、36 0 h;监测反应前后碱液浓度的变化 ;计算了各条件下各自的绝对碱耗量。结果表明三种粘土矿物中蒙脱石耗碱最大 ,高岭石的耗碱量与伊利石的接近 ;随着固 /液比减小和温度升高 ,矿物的碱耗量增加。伊利石和高岭石相配时质量配比对复配物碱耗量几乎没有影响 ,当蒙脱石与高岭石、伊利石组成复配物时其质量配比对碱耗量影响较大 ,随蒙脱石含量增加碱耗量线性地增加
The three most commonly used reservoir clay minerals, montmorillonite, kaolinite and illite, are selected and compounded in the ratio of 2: 0, 1: 1, and 2: 2 respectively. The samples were respectively reacted with 1.6% Na2CO3 solution for 8h, 120h and 36h at the solid / liquid ratio of 1: 5, 1: 8 and 1:10 (g / ml) at 30 ℃ and 50 ℃. The change of alkali concentration before and after the reaction was calculated. The absolute alkali consumption of each condition was calculated. The results show that the montmorillonite in the three clay minerals consumes the largest amount of alkali, and the alkali consumption of kaolinite approaches that of illite. As the solid / liquid ratio decreases and the temperature increases, the alkali consumption of the minerals increases. When the illite and kaolinite match, the mass ratio has almost no effect on the alkali consumption of the complex. When the composition of montmorillonite, kaolinite and illite is complex, the mass ratio affects the alkali consumption greatly. The increase in montmorillonite content increases linearly with base consumption