电工测量仪器是开发新技术、新产品,提高生产效率及产品质量的工具,在整个工业发展中是不可缺少的。近两年来,随着出口体制的调整及新技术的开发,它正向适应世界需求的方向发展。从各类产品看,应用微处理机的仪器仪表有逻辑测量仪器,通讯用测量仪器,影像设备及与光学技术有关的仪器等。由于I C
Electrical measuring instruments is to develop new technologies, new products, improve production efficiency and product quality tools, in the entire industrial development is indispensable. In the past two years, with the adjustment of the export system and the development of new technologies, it is now moving in the direction of adapting to the needs of the world. From a variety of products, the application of microprocessor instrumentation logic measurement instruments, communication measuring instruments, imaging equipment and optical technology-related equipment. Because I C