本文报告我院近30年(1956~1986)原发性胆囊癌 100例。该病居我院消化道癌第五位。胆囊癌病因相关因素较多,但以胆囊粘膜的慢性刺激和胆酸代谢紊乱较为重要,其早期诊断困难,对高危人群进行B 超切面显像监测值得推崇。为了防止漏诊,胆囊切除术中应常规剖视胆囊标本并送病理检查。胆囊癌早期倾向局部转移,应力争根治切除。为防患于未然,作者提出二级预防建议。
This article reports 100 cases of primary gallbladder cancer in our hospital for the past 30 years (1956-1986). The disease ranks fifth in the gastrointestinal cancer in our hospital. Gallbladder cancer has many etiological factors, but chronic stimulation of the gallbladder mucosa and disorder of bile acid metabolism are more important. Early diagnosis is difficult. Monitoring of high-risk patients with B-mode ultrasonography is worthy of respect. In order to prevent missed diagnosis, gallbladder specimens should be routinely sectioned and sent for pathological examination during cholecystectomy. Early gallbladder cancer tends to metastasize locally and it is indiscriminate for radical resection. To prevent problems, the author proposes secondary prevention.