1995年1月16日,温州市郊仰义乡陈村农民在普门山山脚平整屋基时发现明墓一座,出土十余件文物。文物处闻讯后,即刻派人到现场调查,并于次日组织人员进行抢救性清理,现简报如下。 一、墓葬形制 明项思尧夫妇墓位于陈村普门山北坡山麓,距温州市区10公里。我们对已?
On January 16, 1995, Chencun peasants in Yangyi Township, a suburb of Wenzhou City, discovered a Ming Tombs in the flat base of the Pusan Mountain and unearthed more than 10 artifacts. After hearing about the cultural relics office, they immediately sent people to the scene to investigate and organized personnel to carry out rescue and cleanup on the following day. The briefing is as follows. First, the burial system Ming Xiang Yao couple tomb located in the village of Chen Pushan north slope foothills, 10 kilometers away from Wenzhou City. We have already?