Robust EPR-pairs-based quantum secure communication with authentication resisting collective noise

来源 :Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a715362633
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This work presents two robust quantum secure communication schemes with authentication based on Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen(EPR) pairs, which can withstand collective noises. Two users previously share an identity string representing their identities. The identity string is encoded as decoherence-free states(termed logical qubits), respectively, over the two collective noisy channels, which are used as decoy photons. By using the decoy photons, both the authentication of two users and the detection of eavesdropping were implemented. The use of logical qubits not only guaranteed the high fidelity of exchanged secret message, but also prevented the eavesdroppers to eavesdrop beneath a mask of noise. This work presents two robust quantum secure communication schemes with authentication based on Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) pairs, which can withstand collective noises. Two users previously share an identity string representing their identities. The identity string is encoded as decoherence-free states (termed logical qubits), respectively, over the two collective noisy channels, which are used as decoy photons. By using the decoy photons, both the authentication of two users and the detection of eavesdropping were implemented. The use of logical qubits not only guaranteed the high fidelity of exchanged secret message, but also prevented the eavesdroppers to eavesdrop under a mask of noise.
甲饰王洋 干部服装  乙饰扎西 藏族装扮  (画外童声)  甲 蓝蓝的天,清清的水,藏区的山水格外美,动人的故事特别多,听,这是谁在把话说。  乙 我的名字叫扎西,祖辈生活在藏区,交通闭塞羊肠路,主要收入靠放牧。我经常坐在村口老井边,喝点青稞酒,嘬口叶子烟。眼瞅着半截儿身子要入土,迎来了,从双流来的精准扶贫工作组,在山下,他们帮助建了新小区,让大伙儿,退牧还林搬新居。你看看,东家也在搬,西家也在搬
秋入八闽林染霜,  夜色渐浓渐转凉。  繁星点点虫唧唧,  晚风徐徐桂飘香。  观不尽福州城外恬淡的景,  在小路上,有二人一前一后步履匆匆走慌忙。  原来是福建布政使于成龙期满卸任,  奉圣谕进京述职觐见君王;  他昂首阔步朝前走,  后跟着家人于福肩担行箱;  于大人目不斜视一心赶路,  于福他睡眼朦胧小声嘟囔:  “白天不走偏偏要晚上走,  这黑灯瞎火图的是哪桩?”  于大人回头把于福叫: 
【一束定点光照亮立身于舞台中央的吴丹。  吴丹 大家好!我是成都市曲艺团的青年谐剧演员吴丹,以前在艺校的时候学的专业是四川清音。(清唱)“布谷鸟儿咕咕叫……”嘎!该是中国好清音嘛!(有人探其究竟因何改行)我还不是听别个说,这说的比唱的好听,动起比站起带劲,所以改行学了谐剧。哪晓得改行比改嫁还难!幸好,在我艺术人生的转折点上,遇上了一位贵人!【大光启。LED屏显示居家客厅的画面,舞台靠下场口处搁置一