合理有效利用微咸水是华北平原农业水资源短缺的重要缓解途径。基于多年试验站数据对土壤盐分动态类型、盐分淋洗条件及淋洗需水量进行了分析,并探讨了华北平原微咸水灌溉策略。结果表明:土壤盐动态淋滤型可以细分为充分淋洗型和不充分淋洗型;在华北平原冬小麦和玉米轮作制度下,只要保持土壤饱和电导率低于6 dS/m,土壤就处于完全淋洗状态;根据稳定状态盐量平衡法计算得到华北平原实验站冬小麦生育期内淋洗所需咸水量为368mm,夏玉米生育期内淋洗所需咸水量为327mm;从提高作物抗盐分胁迫和渗透胁迫能力的角度,建议在盐渍化土壤上种植较耐盐的作物;从降低土壤盐分含量的角度,可以采用提高灌溉频率、改变灌溉方法、额外灌溉进行淋洗、播种前进行灌溉淋洗盐分、用有机或无机物料对土壤进行处理、覆盖秸秆或者地膜等方法。
Reasonable and effective use of brackish water is an important mitigation approach to agricultural water shortage in the North China Plain. Based on the data from many years of experimental stations, the dynamic types of soil salinity, the conditions of salt elution and the rinsing water requirements were analyzed, and the brackish water irrigation strategies of the North China Plain were discussed. The results show that soil salt dynamic leaching can be subdivided into full leaching and under-leaching. Under the system of winter wheat and maize rotation in North China Plain, as long as the soil saturated conductivity is kept below 6 dS / m, the soil is in Completely leached state; according to the steady state salt balance method calculated North China Plain Experimental Station during the growth of winter wheat leaching required 368mm of salt water, summer maize growth period of salt water required for leaching 327mm; improve crop salt From the point of view of reducing soil salinity, it is suggested to increase the irrigation frequency, change the irrigation method, rinse with additional irrigation, and irrigate before sowing Rinse salts, treat the soil with organic or inorganic materials, cover straw or mulch, and more.