In the fine-grain TL dating the full o dose must be converted into the equivalent P dose. The conversion is finished by Keff-value, which is an effective or effectiveness. But the Keff can not be measured directly for each sample and only the external radiative efficiency K3.7 can be measured. In order to obtain the Keff a special study for the conversion factor of Keff to K3.t has been made using the ultrathin TLD. The results show that the conversion factor of tile TLD for archaeological samples is 0.847, which is in agreement with calculated value 0.85.
In the fine-grain TL dating the full o dose must be converted into the equivalent P dose. The conversion is finished by Keff-value, which is an effective or effectiveness. But the Keff can not be measured directly for each sample and only the The external radiative efficiency K3.7 can be measured. The results show that the conversion factor of tile TLD for archaeological samples is 0.847, which is in agreement with calculated value 0.85.