节俭与奢侈、储蓄与挥霍这两种对立的经济行为究竟何种对社会有利?凯恩斯在《就业利息和货币通论》中继承了历史上主张奢侈和挥霍对社会有利的思想,并引述曼德维尔的《蜜蜂的寓言》为经典加以申明。 《蜜蜂的寓言》描绘的是一个蜜蜂王国的盛衰过程。这蜂国原是“科学与勤勉的一方伟大苗圃”,“数百万蜜蜂无不在纷纷尽力,满足着彼此间的虚荣与贪
What kind of frugal, extravagant, saving and squandering economic conflicts are beneficial to society? Keynes inherited the idea of luxury and squandering in the history which is beneficial to the society in the “General Theory of Employment Interest and Money” and quoted Mandeville The “bee’s allegory” to be affirmed by the classic. “Bee’s Fables” depicts the rise and fall of a bee kingdom. This bee country was originally a “great nursery of science and diligence,” and "millions of bees are trying their best to satisfy each other’s vanity and greed.