“三个代表”重要思想 ,是唯物史观在党建领域的创造性运用和发展 ,为解读中共历史提供了新视角 ,有助于全面认识中国共产党成立的历史必然性 ,有助于加深对中国共产党的先进性和领导核心地位的认识 ,有助于正确把握中国共产党先领导和进行民主革命、再进行社会主义革命和建设的道理所在 ,有助于深刻理解“三个代表”重要思想是从中国共产党历史本质中抽引出来的科学理论、是正确判断和制定党的路线方针政策应该坚持的根本标准。
The important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ is the creative application and development of the historical materialism in the field of party building. It provides a new perspective for interpreting the history of the CCP, helps to fully understand the historical inevitability of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party and helps to deepen the understanding of the CPC The advanced nature and leadership core status help to correctly grasp the truth that the CPC leadership and the democratic revolution and the socialist revolution and construction should be conducted correctly. This will help to profoundly understand that the important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ is drawn from the Chinese Communist Party The scientific theory drawn from the essence of history is the fundamental criterion that should be followed in correctly judging and formulating the party’s line, principles and policies.