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长期以来,在叙利亚,由于土地、房屋、手工作坊等不动产的产权属家长(如丈夫、父亲或祖父)所有,他们的妻子、儿孙等跟随家庭劳作,并居住在一起,逐渐形成几十乃至几百人的传统大家庭.这一家之长拥有家庭的最高权力,其他成员必须绝对服从,否则就会受到严厉处罚.近几十年来,西方文明对阿拉伯人的影响越来越深,随着现代工业的兴起与发展,由家庭控制的小农经济与手工作坊式的生产方式逐渐被大工业的生产方式所取代,家庭成员逐步摆脱了原先的家庭生产小圈子,走上了社会,参加各种社会劳动,依靠工资来满足生活的需求,这一结果使家长的权力不断减小,妻子、儿孙等在家庭中的发言权逐渐增大.从当前叙利亚的社会现实看,城镇中相当一部分妇女己走出家门,参加了工作,她们的工资收入是家庭生活开支不可缺少的部分:她们的儿女们大都上过学,有较高的文化知识水平与一定的经济收入,从而有可能摆脱父辈或祖辈的控制,获得独立与自由(农村除外).在这样的家庭中,一家之长(无论是丈夫还是父亲)不得不分权给自己的妻儿.本文试从城市家庭入手,对叙利亚家庭关系的变化作一浅析.一、妻子的生育权利从前,叙利亚妇女和其他阿拉伯国家妇女一样,她们的职责是收拾家务、服侍丈夫与生 For a long time, in Syria, due to the ownership of real estate such as land, houses and handicraft workshops owned by parents such as husbands, fathers or grandfathers, their wives, children and grandchildren worked with their families and lived together and gradually formed tens or even few Hundreds of people in the traditional family.The head of this family has the supreme power of the family, the other members must absolutely obey, otherwise they will be severely punished.In recent decades, the Western civilization deepening the influence of Arabs, with the modern The rise and development of industry, the smallholder economy controlled by the family and the hand-workshop-style mode of production were gradually replaced by the mode of production of large-scale industries. Family members gradually got rid of the original small circle of family production and embarked on the society and took part in various social Labor, relying on wages to meet the needs of life, the result of the power of parents continue to decrease, the wife, children and grandchildren in the family voice gradually increased from the current social reality in Syria, a considerable part of the urban women have come out Their families earn employment, and their wage income is an indispensable part of their family’s expenses: most of their children go to school and are high Cultural knowledge and economic income so that it is possible to get rid of the control of fathers or grandparents and to gain independence and freedom (except for the rural areas) where the head of one household (whether husband or father) has to delegate authority to himself His wife and children.This article tries to start from the city family, to analyze the changes in the Syrian family relations.First, the reproductive rights of his wife Syria women and other Arab women, their duties are to clean up the housework, to serve the husband and the health
大兴安岭地区行政公署,各市、县人民政府,省政府各直属单位: 现将《国务院办公厅转发中国红十字会总会关于进一步加强红十字会工作意见的通知》(国办发[2004]85号)(原文详见
平贝母Fritillaria ussuriensis Maxim和东贝母Fritillaria thunbergii Miq.Var.chekiangensis Hsiao et K.C.Hsia均为百合科植物的干燥鳞茎,二者性状较为相似,且商品价格不
赣老发[2005]3号  省委各部门、省直各单位、各人民团体:  为了更好地从生活上关心照顾离休干部,经请示省委、省政府领导同意,现就进一步落实好省直单位离休干部医疗待遇若干问题通知如下:  一、经省委老干部局批准或者备案的出省易地安置离休干部看病用药使用当地的《离休干部医药费单独统筹药品目录》或《基本医疗保险和工伤保险药品目录》,经省公费医疗或者医保经办机构审核后,其医药费报销实行随到随报。由省
从工程的设计、施工、监理,到病床、医疗器械等材料的采购供应,新病房大楼建设始终坚持“公开、公正、公平”的原则,全部采取“阳光操作”的方式。 From the design, constr