Incarcerated in the penile foreskin at the neck, the skin formed a circular double fold, wrap the penis head forward, known as the penis foreskin. Between the foreskin and the glans penis for the foreskin, foreskin free edge into the foreskin mouth. Phimosis or extracapsular stenosis of the prepuce, such as the foreskin forced on the turn without timely reset, the narrow foreskin mouth can be tightened in the penis coronary sulcus, hinder the distal foreskin and penis head blood backflow, resulting in Swelling these parts, known as the foreskin incarceration. Foreskin incarceration occurred in the first intercourse or masturbation. The main symptoms: foreskin incarcerated after severe pain, penile head swelling, foreskin edema. The longer the incarceration,