青岛 医保定岗医师考核实施积分淘汰制

来源 :中国医疗保险 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuwuguigui
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2006年青岛市结合医疗保险管理实际,制定了《青岛市医疗保险定岗医师管理规定》,对定岗医师的条件,职责、资格审批与备案、日常管理、考核标准作了具体的规定。尤其在考核方面制定了详细的考核办法和违规行为的扣分标准,并将其与医疗机构信用等级评定制度挂钩。目前,这项制度已在青岛市全面实施。 In 2006, in accordance with the actual situation of medical insurance management, Qingdao formulated the “Regulations on the Administration of Qingdao Medical Insurance Positioning Gang Doctors”, and made specific provisions on the conditions, responsibilities, qualification examination and approval, filing, daily management and assessment criteria of fixed-in doctors. In particular, the assessment has formulated detailed assessment methods and deductions for non-compliance, and linked it with the credit rating system of medical institutions. At present, this system has been fully implemented in Qingdao.