目的分析总结卵巢黄体破裂出血的临床诊断与治疗,减少误诊率,提高诊治水平。方法对阳江市妇幼保健院2007年至2011年收治的62例卵巢黄体破裂出血患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 62例患者中保守治疗成功14例,占22.58%;手术治疗48例,占77.42%,其中腹腔镜治疗4例,占手术治疗的8.33%。误诊为其他疾病30例,误诊率达48.39%。结论卵巢黄体破裂误诊率高,需引起临床充分重视。相当一部分黄体破裂可以保守治疗。手术以开腹为主,方法为剔除黄体后行卵巢修补术,最大限度保留卵巢功能。
Objective To summarize the clinical diagnosis and treatment of ruptured ovariectomy, reduce the rate of misdiagnosis and improve the diagnosis and treatment. Methods The clinical data of 62 cases of corpus luteum rupture hemorrhage from 2007 to 2011 in Yangjiang Maternal and Child Health Hospital were analyzed retrospectively. Results Of the 62 patients, 14 cases were conservatively treated, accounting for 22.58%. Surgical treatment was performed in 48 cases (77.42%), of which 4 cases were treated by laparoscopy, accounting for 8.33% of the total. Misdiagnosis of other diseases in 30 cases, misdiagnosis rate of 48.39%. Conclusions The misdiagnosis rate of corpus luteum rupture is high and needs to be given full attention in clinic. A considerable portion of luteal rupture can be conservative treatment. Surgery to open the main method is to remove the luteal ovarian repair, the maximum retention of ovarian function.