有一则故事,说一家著名的跨国公司高薪招聘营销人员,应聘者趋之若鹜,其中不乏硕士、博士。但是,当这些人拿到公司考题后,却都面面相觑,不知所措。原来公司要求每一位应聘者尽可能多地把木梳卖给和尚,为公司赚得利润。 出家和尚,剃度为僧,六根已净,光头秃顶,要木梳何用?莫非出题者有意拿众人开涮?应聘者作鸟兽散。一时间,原先门庭若市的招聘大厅,仅剩下A、B、C三人。这三人知难而进,奔赴各地,卖木梳。
There is a story about a well-known multinational company recruiting high-paying marketers. Applicants are eager to meet them, including masters and doctors. However, when these people got the company’s questions, they all looked at each other and wondered what to do. The company originally required each candidate to sell wooden combs to monks as much as possible to make profits for the company. Monk monk, shaved as shabu, six have been net, bald head bald, what to use? Is it that the issuer intends to take everyone out? Candidates for birds and animals. For a time, the original recruitment hall, only A, B, C three. The three people went ahead and went to various places to sell wooden combs.